My name is Amber Bender. I am a senior in the Art department. I am a Photography Major and a Minor in Media Studies, in Mass Communication. I am also currently in the Honors College. As well as being your RVA I work at the Gym, in the Marketing Department. I am a pretty busy person but I hope I can give you some added information and opportunities that you didn’t find on your own. I very much enjoy bicycling and have been involved in a number of VCU organizations. I hope you use this year as a once and a life time opportunity to pick the brains of your RA and me your RVA. Please feel free to email with any questions or concerns you have through out your year here. I will try to answer or advise you the best I can, and if there is something I can not address I will direct you to someone who can help.
I’m very excited about this year and hope you have a lot of input about the things you would like to do.